Clean and tidy Perth industrial asset
This was our client’s first commercial property. They were looking for a clean and tidy industrial asset with a decent yield. After viewing a few different assets Rethink Investing presented them, they landed on this property which is located in Perth.
It was a fairly straightforward process throughout due-diligence as the tenants were paying on time, the building report was near perfect and all the legalities of the leases and the building passed with flying colours. The client is now on the hunt for their second commercial asset through Rethink Investing.
report, bank fees)
Purchasing Costs
Key Highlights
• Building Area: 1521m2
• NLA: 2,400m2
• Concrete tilt panel construction
• $144,334 net return (Lot 1 $75,334 + Lot 2 $69,000)
• Container height roller door
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